When human effort tries to put everybody on the same footing without looking into the distinctiveness of each individual and tries to put everybody in the same category, God gets amazed at the first instance…

God is omniscient. If it is asked that what God cannot see, certainly the answer would be He cannot see two things alike in his creation. It means, whatever has been created by God, has its distinctiveness (vaishistya) of its own, which may not have parity with any other, though some resemblances may be there. Unless one is nurtured in accordance with his distinctiveness, the real prosperity in his life cannot come. Poetry cannot be equal to a gun. Therefore, a good poet cannot be a good soldier.

When human effort tries to put everybody on the same footing without looking into the distinctiveness of each individual and tries to put everybody in the same category, God gets amazed at the first instance.

God is one and the only one. He is the stay of Dharma (divine religion). But man has ever attempted to discriminate one creed from the other on the basis of the sectarian view of divine religion (dharma- which cannot be more than one) and the people are unreasonably emotional to believe and follow them. God gets amazed there at the second instance.

God is love and love is God. His embodied human form is also the embodiment of love. He is the fulfiller the best and the up- keeper of the distinctive trait in man. It is natural that He is the center of love of each and all. God gets amazed at the third instance when He sees that man out of his passionate craze creates different love centers for the satisfaction of his passion.

Sree Sree Thakur Anukulchandra https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satsang_(Deoghar) is the fulfiller the best, the embodiment of love in human form. He fulfills in Him all the past prophets. So it should be natural for everybody to love Him, to follow Him, and to materialize Him for the attainment of bliss.

To quote Sree Sree Thakur -“God gets amazed three times being seeing the distinctive trait of each as unique, when man tries to put all individuals on one footing by discarding that distinctiveness, at that time once, again the stay of dharma (divine religion)is God -one and the only one -by being understanding that when man in the name of religion creates differentiation among creeds, and unreasonably when men accept them by nodding their heads, then He too gets surprised, again One who is the centre of love- Who is the nurturer of all distinctiveness of man and fulfiller the best-men ,not by being love- bonded with Him, and likewise do not control themselves for the satisfaction of selfish passions and want to be happy of making business of love -moving from one center to the other-He also takes aback by that; God is one and only one-that is in everything of the creations, God is the stay of Dharma, Fulfillers the Best https://gyanajyoti.com/2020/07/12/purusottamfulfiller-the-best-of-age/ is the abode of Dharma, Love becomes meaningful in unicentric love-leaning with God, God is the all meaningful-fulfilling center”.

“Bande Prushottamam”