Tag: purusottam

Cult of Purusottam and its epitomeCult of Purusottam and its epitome

In Upanishadic thought, our realized sages used the word ‘HAMSA’ which represents the luminous god. Shree Shree Thakur pictured one emblem. this emblem is the epitomic declaration of aspirants who strive to attain eternal bliss. this world is pictured as the ocean of desire and waves of passion in curling conditions. Jivatma is the representation […]

Purusottam, Fulfiller The Best Of AgePurusottam, Fulfiller The Best Of Age

Purusottam is fulfiller the best of age. He who solves some problems of life and fulfills some aspects of life is called fulfiller the great But he, who can solve all the problems of life, either quite normal or abnormally intricate and fulfills each and everybody according to the Characteristics lies within him/her is called […]