Education Aspect In The Perspective Of Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra And Its Relevance To Indian Economy

Education in its truest sense is the monopolistic privilege of human beings. There is a fundamental difference between learning and education. Education is the realization of human beings which is being followed through various processes of learning. In education, the character is formed, whereas in literation character remains untouched. It is to be productive and effective and should aim at the formation of the right types of concentric habits and behavior, the unfoldment of distinctive traits and faculties. There will be disciplining of intellect, power of reasoning, broadening deepening of feeling, sympathy, sentiment, interest, inquisitiveness, and conception. On the other hand, Economics exhorts us to kindle our volitional urge to serve people in the way best suited to our temperamental ability, so that we may prosper economically. Emphasis is given on judicious agriculture, industry, business, and commerce for the enhancement of the capacity for independent earning without taking recourse to exploitation and dishonesty. Sri Sri Thakur wants us to lead a life against extravagance, unnecessary luxury, and borrowing. Education Aspect In The Perspective Of Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra And Its Relevance To Indian Economy.

Modern universities are the byproducts of British rule. Lord Macaulay was the man who fashioned these universities to produce men of servile mentality. The universities of today compared to the universities of ancient India present a very dreamy and gloomy picture. Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra knows the problems faced by millions of people. He wants to replace pain with pleasure, decay with growth, fiction with unity, death with life, and chaos with the cosmos. Mere acquisition of knowledge is fruitless unless it is tested through application to practical work. Swami Vivekananda says, “Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man.” Sri Sri Thakur defines education as, “Systematic organization of habits and instincts with the purpose of fulfilling the becoming of life by graduated active manipulation of behavior.” Habit denotes have it and behavior means be and have. Adjustment of intracellular substances is one of the most important factors of Thakur’s philosophy of education. Education Aspect In The Perspective Of Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra And Its Relevance To Indian Economy.

Education should be effective and industry oriented. In every educational system, whether Arts or Science, there should be some effective channel; to earn for living. This was the pattern of education of Aryans. The Aryans gave importance to Agriculture. The students of Tapovan Vidyalaya of Satsang Ashram were trained in this manner. The students were doing the physical labor out of love. “Sradhavan Labhyete jnanam“. Sri Sri Thakur established Viswa Vigyan Kendra and Manomohini Institute of Science and Technology, where researches on different aspects of life were conducted. He also established an agricultural training center, a tools manufacturing center, a spinning mill, a press, a health center, carpentry, building construction center, a painting and photographic center at Pabna Satsang Ashram to make education practical oriented and the educated youth can be self-employed. He lays greater emphasis on practical learning-Learning by doing and discerning. Education Aspect In The Perspective Of Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra And Its Relevance To Indian Economy.

Only literal learning kills the efficiency of an individual and creates an ego dominated sentiment in him. Thakur’s educational institution is linked with and surrounded by small industries, laboratories, and gardens. He wanted that whatever is taught to the child should be practically useful to life. His Ideal behind this worked based curriculum was that the pupil will have a practical love for labor and will not feel helpless when he will be grown-up; he can earn his livelihood. The institutes will be self-sustaining and the pupil can do every work, every type of service small or big without any feeling of shame or inferiority. Everyone can understand that everyone belongs to him so that no one can think that he is helpless, penniless, shelterless so that everybody can say courageously

“I am everyone’s

and every one is mine.”

The economic policies of Sri Sri Thakur are broad-based. To thrive on-from the savings of output to ensure the nurture of life and growth with all their budding traits is the essence of insurance and is the interest that pushes one up. A servant for money is often disqualified to master the same-hence wealth mourns away with an insignificant glow.” Progressive profitable adjustment of household affairs that makes each and all inter-interested with their environment in an equitable distribution of norm and nurture is economy.” To idle money profitably for renovating people in general by service is called banking as per the opinion of Sri Sri Thakur. He emphatically says, that “Carelessness is the falcon of the miser. Education Aspect In The Perspective Of Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra And Its Relevance To Indian Economy.

In education, the students do not consider learning as a means of discovering themselves. They have no reverence for the learned and there is a lack of an ideal teacher who can feel the pulse of pupils in order to nurse and nurture their minds and to guide them. Co-education is a distressing aspect for society. Education must be culture-oriented instead of job oriented. The role of parents is very much important in educating the off-springs. Sri Sri Thakur did not want to make the syllabus a bogey and burdensome, the learners should not feel ill at ease.

For Sri Sri Thakur man is the unit, not the money. Man has been the most fascinating object of interest, the greatest wealth to Him. That is why all kinds of men from all walks of life and belonging to different communities have flocked around Him. They have loved Him and looked at Him as their supreme beloved. He and in the absence of His mortal body his living representative the Acharyadev has led crores of them from darkness to light. The first objective of education is to devote oneself to an Ideal of services through modesty and the second one is to make education technology of some utility. Sri Sri Thakur’s main aim was to uplift the village economy and His slogan was love, life, and service.

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