it is universally true that man is born with the tendency towards unification with the higher stage.As god is the highest everybody has the tendency, knowingly or unknowingly, to be unified with Him. This is the inherent tendency of attachment. As our attachment is, we are saved accordingly.” The being is full of regard and […]
Category: English
When human effort tries to put everybody on the same footing without looking into the distinctiveness of each individual and tries to put everybody in the same category, God gets amazed at the first instance… God is omniscient. If it is asked that what God cannot see, certainly the answer would be He cannot see […]
Satsang America A-Brief HistorySatsang America A-Brief History
The history of Satang America may date back to the 18th October 1945, the day on which Ray Archer Hauserman and Edmond Joseph Spencer took initiation at Pabana, India, under the mastership of Sree Sree Thakur AnukulChandra, – Fulfiller the best and the founder of Satsang. These two persons stayed with Thakur in Satsang both […]
The Essence Of Being And BecomingThe Essence Of Being And Becoming
Each and every living entity has the urge to live. It is most intensely found in a human being like man. each man on the earth universally is one at a point that everyone wants to live. Nobody ever likes death. The question naturally comes WHY? The only answer to this is that life itself […]
Man MakingMan Making
Sree Sree Thakur tells to match at least the genetic attributes (varna), totem (Gotra), ancestry (vansha), education, and physique of the male and female. If these are complementary to each other then the conjugal life, as well as the life of progeny, shall be a balanced one and happiness shall prevail. Therefore, Thakur alms to […]
The district Deoghar was formed on 1 June 1981 by separating the Deoghar sub-division of the erstwhile Santal Pargana district. The literal meaning of ‘Deoghar’ is abode (‘ghar’) of the Gods and Goddesses (‘dev’). Deoghar is also known as “Baidyanath Dham” or “Baba Dham”. The name Deoghar seems to be of recent origin and probably […]
Science-A Tool For Achieving QualityScience-A Tool For Achieving Quality
To know a thing with all its components coordinating adjustments, peculiarities with their actions, differences, and similarities in all specific specifications is science. Science means to see the affairs contained in a thing thoroughly. the how and why of its adjustments. Science is one of the many adventures of the human mind. It is a […]
The Secret Science Of VibrationThe Secret Science Of Vibration
Everything in this world, both visible and invisible, constantly vibrates. All particles of matter, from the tiniest atom to the mightiest planet, are in a state of vibration. The atoms of the human body are in a state of constant vibration. Different rates of vibration balanced in the cosmic rhythm produce the magnanimous world and […]
The Need Of The TimeThe Need Of The Time
This is an era of mounting anguish and vanishing happiness when a disaster is fast overtaking the society and country as a whole with the dominance of savagery. A brutal thirst for possession augmented by science and technology is the symptom of the disease of the present time. In the physical world, we are always […]
Education Aspect In The Perspective Of Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra And Its Relevance To Indian EconomyEducation Aspect In The Perspective Of Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra And Its Relevance To Indian Economy
Education in its truest sense is the monopolistic privilege of human beings. There is a fundamental difference between learning and education. Education is the realization of human beings which is being followed through various processes of learning. In education, the character is formed, whereas in literation character remains untouched. It is to be productive and […]