Tag: saroj kumar mohanty

Jajan-to elevate oneselfJajan-to elevate oneself

Jajan-To Elevate Oneself. Self-Culture In Sanskrit Is Known As Jajan. After being initiated, the first thing one has to go for is Jajan. It comprehends within its sweep, ideal concentric repetition of Holy Name, meditation, worship, self-analysis, personal study, the pursuit of vows and penance, exalting service, prayer, etc. The types of Holy names available […]

Business – fundamental principlesBusiness – fundamental principles

Business – Fundamental Principles- Sree Sree Thakur https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anukulchandra_Chakravartyis not in favor of partnership business as the mind of two persons may not be one. He prefers the business by personal supervision and management. Therefore He prefers small-scale business establishments.           He has also prescribed the characteristics of a businessman. He says – […]

Education – edits the experience and knowledgeEducation – edits the experience and knowledge

 The word education contains all the vowels in it. Without a vowel, a word cannot be pronounced. So also, without education, the personality of a man cannot be pronounced. Simply learning the course in the curriculum cannot make men educated. He may have literation only. To have a diploma or a degree cannot be treated […]

Way to purity of body and soulWay to purity of body and soul

  In the process of birth, rebirth, and inheritance, we are not pure at body and soul. The predominance of such factors may not lead us to easily go live like us to realize God. Hence Sree Sree Thakur https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anukulchandra_Chakravarty has prescribed for us some mechanical processes to be observed physically. This is the way to purity of […]

Social Life – Let Live Others And Be LivedSocial Life – Let Live Others And Be Lived

   Man is no doubt a gregarious animal. The basic implication of the ‘society’ is to live together for the achievement of a common object. Human life encompasses five tiers- the individual, the couple, the family or home, the society, and the state. The individual is at the pivot of each stratum. From the state, […]

Hygienic Laws – Purifying The SoulHygienic Laws – Purifying The Soul

Man possesses three aspects in him- the body, the mind, and the soul. Every state of man has its way of observing hygienic laws. Of course, these three are so interlinked that one cannot be separated from the other. Hygienic Laws – Purifying The Soul            The Indian saints are of […]

Ishtabhruti – Devout oblation to the IdealIshtabhruti – Devout oblation to the Ideal

It is already discussed that the Ideal is none but the embodiment of the supreme father. Whatever man possesses is due to His grace. If it is foremost mundane work to maintain Him. If we are there to maintain and nurture ourselves, our family, and our environment, https://gyanajyoti.com/2020/12/14/jaajan-to-exalt-others/ we should give priority to maintain and nurture our […]

Initiation-unification with GodInitiation-unification with God

it is universally true that man is born with the tendency towards unification with the higher stage.As god is the highest everybody has the tendency, knowingly or unknowingly, to be unified with Him. This is the inherent tendency of attachment. As our attachment is, we are saved accordingly.” The being is full of regard and […]

Satsang America A-Brief HistorySatsang America A-Brief History

The history of Satang America may date back to the 18th October 1945, the day on which Ray Archer Hauserman and Edmond Joseph Spencer took initiation at Pabana, India, under the mastership of Sree Sree Thakur AnukulChandra, – Fulfiller the best and the founder of Satsang. These two persons stayed with Thakur in Satsang both […]