The Seed Of Evolution


That by which one’s life and growth along with that of others are upheld is called Dharma. To live and to let others live is also known as Dharma. All live and grow through Dharma, Sectarianism is not Dharma. The Seed Of Evolution. Those who do not obey the past prophets are certainly to be known as heathens. Non-acceptance of the present prophets leads to extinction in the midst of blinding darkness. He who moves without an ideal faces death in disintegration. We find in Srimad Bhagavata Geeta-

“Nasti Budhi Ajuktashya Na Chajuktastshyah Bhavana, Na Chabhabayata Shanti Ashantashya Kutah Shukham.”

As a matter of fact, when an individual and the entire society, out of a respecting, active adherence to the Ideal, advance towards all-round welfare and progress, that is called observance of Dharma. He in whom Dharma finds a living embodiment is called an Ideal. Undoubtedly it is enunciated that he is called ‘Guru’, Acharya, ‘Ista’ etc. S.S. Thakur said, “In simple words, Ideal means a living man who, out of an irresistible love and normal maddening urge for his superior beloved, establishes Him in his environment through his own life, service, contact, and sympathy, existing the environment’s life and growth with the aid of his varied experience, without carrying for sufferings and it is in Him that man finds his path by which he can normally and untiringly embrace life and growth”. In a word, he may be said to be a veritable manifestation of God. The Seed Of Evolution

The vital factor for making Dharma meaningful to live is ideal. The very etymological significance of the term Religion implies that man must bind himself to someone else beyond his own dimension through love and attachment.

Sri Krishna said, “Manmana Bhoba mad- bhakto-madjajiman namaskuru i.e. attach your mind to Me, but worshipful to Me and bow down to me alone.

Hazarat Rasul said, “He who is loyal to the Rasul is surely loyal to the Allah Himself”.

Jesu Christ expressed, “I am the Truth, the Way, the Light. None can come to the Father but through Me. I and my Father is One.”

In Buddhism, there is an injunction” Buddham Saranam Gachhami i.e. let one move forward in taking refuge in Buddha.

Present Ideal is the consummation and condensation of all the past ones. The Patanjali Darshan says, “Sah purveshamapi Guru Kalen- anabachchhedat” i.e., he is the Guru of all the previous Gurus and unseverable by the tide of time. “The present Purshottam (Best Fulfill-er) is the summation and consummation of all the past Purushottams; all the past ones are ever alive in Him.” Hence, whoever comes to Thakur, a Hindu, a Muslim, a Buddhist, a Christian, a Vaishnava, or a Ramkrishnite- everybody finds his own Ideal in Him. The Seed Of Evolution

The issue of sectarianism communal ism arises out of our ignorance of the functional identity of the Ideals born in different ages in different corners of the globe. Most of the followers of a particular Ideal either of Christ, Krishna, Buddha, or of Hazarat Rasul tend to cherish the notion that their Prophet, Avatar, Tathagata, or Navi is superior to or the greatest manifestation than all others prophet, Avatar, Tathagata and Navi. The religious views that one’s own Master professes is the best of all other religious indoctrination. This narrowness in understanding is the cause that not only lies at the root of chaos, confusions, and sometimes conflicts among different religious sects or communities in the world, but also acts as a great impediment to get the best benefit that religion can really contribute to one’s life and living. The Seed Of Evolution

As God is one, Dharma is one, Ideals are one and the same, As God is not limited by time, Place country or community, Ideals are never limited by any bondage of time, place or community.” God is for all. “Ideals also stand for one and all; they are not meant for any sector a part of humanity; they come to fulfill all sects and communities and humanity at large. To make any differentiation among them is misleading and disgraceful. “To create ‘ism’ and confine the Ideals in a particular sect is a satanic dissuasion of people from unity-the God.”

All Ideals come from the same Source with the self-same mission. All the Prophets. shoot from Providence. “They come down in the role of reformers with the message of existential propitiousness as required for the age.” The self- same mission of all the Prophets is to serve people with love, knowledge, and light so that people can proceed on their way to becoming. “One of the special characteristics of all Ideals is their unbounded love for man. Their aim is to do good to every individual. Hence, it is not wise to differentiate them.” As Fulfill-er the best, all Ideals are the same though they are the indifferent embodiment. “Their messages are of the same tune though the messages may be in accordance with age.” To make differentiation among them means to ignore the functional unit that ever exists among all the Ideals, and ignore the functional identity is to invite a dark degeneration for humanity. He who differentiates between Prophets drags people down to the abyss of destruction.” The Seed Of Evolution

In the domain of human history, we visualize different embodiment of ideal are evident. Similarly, apparent is the difference in their personal involvement in human affairs and in disclosing the Truth at different ages. If we probe into the written documents like the Geeta, the Bible, the Koran, the Tripitaka, the Chaitanya-Charitamrita, the Kathamrita, which are supposed to be reflecting the direct sayings of Sri Krishna, Jesus Christ, Hazarat Mohammad, Tathagata Buddha, Sri Chaitanya, whatever they disclose, there is no contradiction in their concepts; ever perfect and infallible they and Sri Ramakrishna respectively, the dimensional difference of involvement in and dealings with various problems and aspects of human life be different Ideals become transparent to us. Some dealt with behavioral aspect of life, some with knowledge and wisdom, some laid stress on love and devotion for God, some on eternal emancipation of soul- the total extinction of passionate desire the great awakening of supreme consciousness, and some demonstrated every existing unity in all religious views through his life and messages. This difference in their involvement in and dealings with different problems of life in different ages cannot be assessed as an inequality in the efficiency of those Ideals. Whatever they disclose, is always the complete whole of the Truth Itself, it is never apart. “Knowledge remains with them as no knowledge. They neither feel any pride in their knowledge nor become eager to display it. They express the Truth according to the impulse, requisition and the receptive capacity of the environment.” But are whatever they disclose, there is no contradiction in their concepts; ever perfect and infallible they But are.

The emblems of the Supreme being are the ideals. The difference in their manifestation that is apparent in human history is not due to the difference in the manifestation of the Divine in their persons. Sri Sri Thakur ascribes it to the difference in the perceptive faculty of men and the angle of vision through which people observe them. As an analogical example, S.S. Thakur points out that the moon that is shining in the sky this night will also appear tomorrow night. The same moon will appear to us as the full moon. “It is the same full-moon that arises every lunar day. But, it is due to our angle of observation that we see it small or big. It is not that the different moons appear on different nights.” Similarly, it is the one that condescends to this plane of matter time and again and: “though the Incarnations are the emblems of the Complete Whole, they are expressed according to time, place, and person. The ideal is infinite. But, He is manifested according to the love and perception of His devotees.” Sri Sri Thakur reminds us and enjoins:

“Do you differentiate between Buddha and Isha Sri Chaitanya, Rasul and Krishna- They condescend to this plane of the matter To save the mankind: They are the same, Don’t you know?”

Thakur’s living love and regard for all the past prophets induce the same in His followers. In his indoctrination, regardful attitude to and adoration for all the past prophets are the stepping stone towards the realization of the present prophet who is the summation and consummation of all the past ones. To deny the past prophet is to divide the trial of evolution manifested in the present embodiment. It is the greatest blunder in the history of Religion. On the other hand, to make the worship of the past prophet meaningful in life, acceptance of the present prophet through love, service, and admiration is indispensable. Because “Prophets of the time is the enlivening emblem of the past and fulfillment thereof.” The Seed Of Evolution

All the past prophets are embodied in the present Fulfill-er the best. Active love for the present one creates a genuine love for all the past prophets- is to love all the past ones. To understand any past prophet, understanding of the present prophet is essential, because, the present prophet represents the wisdom of all the past Prophets. “All the wisdom of previous Prophets is conscientiously concentrated in the diving Man of the present, He the way to Heaven.” With living regard and enthusiasm for the Lord Jesus Christ, Sri Sri Thakur professes that all Ideals are ‘Christ’. During conversations with the western disciples and visitors, Thakur has occasionally referred to the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of Man, God incarnates, Fulfill-er the Best, the way, the Goal, the Truth. But nonetheless, he emphasizes that ‘Christ’ means a man anointed with love for God. So in his opinion, all Ideals are Christ, because all of them are appointed with love for the Supreme Father that dwells in the life and spirit of every being. Christ is he who helps man cross over the ordeals of life. The Seed Of Evolution

To limit ‘Christ’ in a particular embodiment is an intellectual exuberance that deceives people from the blissful becoming that shoots forth from him in different ages. Thakur holds that love for Christ is the only messenger and angel that can rescue man from the Jaws of Satan. To love and follow ‘Christ is the only messenger and angel that can rescue man from the Jaws of Satan. To love and follow ‘Christ’ is the way to be blessed in life. But the ‘Christ’ does not necessarily mean only the Lord Jesus Christ. Any Ideal appearing in any age or in any corner of the world can be the Christ, the object of worship, the light of life, the solace to sufferings. The present ‘Christ’ comes on the ground of the past ones. He always admits his forerunners and fulfills them all. But the way of fulfillment in one particular age may not necessarily be the same as in other ages. People misunderstand the fulfillment by a particular ‘Christ’ or Ideal as a contradiction. The Hindus misunderstood the Lord Buddha, the Jews misunderstood the Lord Jesus Christ, the Christians wrongly assessed the fulfillment by Hazarat Rasul as a contradiction to the Christian faith. Both the Hindus and the Jewish misunderstood Hazarat Rasul and considered his a contradiction to the Hindu and Jewish faiths respectively. But in contradiction, there is division; while in fulfillment, there is furtherance. According to the need of the age, certain changes must be unavoidable. But this change is required always to adapt the fundamental principles of life and growth to the attitude and receptive faculty of the people of the age. This is indispensable and unavoidable to maintain the evolution of human beings. Hence, S.S. Thakur dictated- “Present that Fulfills Supporting the past Enhances the specialization of Life and growth in a concentric priority- there lies the seed of evolution.” The Seed Of Evolution

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