Satguru the Kaula

sri sri thakur anukul chandra

The saying of Sree Sree Thakur reveals the inner attainment of self by formal acceptance to him in our life. The satguru, unfold the inner self (Antar Atma) can be achieved by this way under his guidance and practical implication in the character of our life be regulated by Satguru. Sat guru or prophets are coming from above the region of complexes and convey the law of being and becoming. We called them fulfiller, the best, Purushottam; under his guidance, we control our go of life. Because his divine personalities sublimated the man and our complexes, should be rectified personally and collectively, under his touch due to his sacred enigmatic touch he transformed the human life to a holy path of godhood. Godhood awakens the inner core of human life in solemn order with the hearty eagerness of our heart creates the throb of sublimity. This throb of sublimity power of Satguru is called “Krupa”. Satguru the Kaula.

He transmitted this in our Antahkarana. The thriving creativities with favorable movements of mind, intelligence, consciousness, ego project sublimity with us. This called penance, the propitious movement of life force with loving interested attitude towards sat-guru makes sacred with inner – throb of our life handled safely by him. Under his instructions and guidance, the error fee living starts. To whom in our scriptures, it was evicted as efficiently run of life or Diksha. One should achieve this power by devotional attachment and tottering adherence only.

Satguru the sheltering force of humanity efficiently attributes the qualities of the pious conglomeration of our life. The ego-cover complexes generally rule on us that is the mean cause we are unable to perceive and understand the ideal incorrect way. But Satguru is above the complexes and easily inherits the fair adjustment in our character efficiently. if one takes shelter under his guidance he will exit with life and growth automatically. Sat-guru is the loving center of our life, Veering around whom, by adopting his holy instructions in love full way man realize the clue of immortality amidst the mortal shape of humanity. Love lord is ‘Ista’. We should follow him unconditionally. The self attainment process by surrendering before him is called initiation.

The word initiation in Latin is inertia (to start with). Our sages termed this process as ‘Brahma Janma’ or ‘Dikshya’ that is a spiritual birth. We have taken birth from our parents they give birth to our mortal body. But ‘Kaula’-satguru gives birth to our ‘Antakarana’. When one devotee or disciple becomes fully surrender before the lotus feet of sat-guru, he achieves the occult power. he at first clans, cuddles him uttering the (Vedic chanting) *“that I shall make you, your heart and mind will be dazzled and brightened like sun rays look to the high sky. As the sun overcome all huddles in the sky similarly and signs brightly you shall be likewise like me. This was the voice of Clarian call made by satguru the process of love lord or ideal always tries to make us in a man in holly personality. This process of transformation is called initiation the basic element of this process is called Jajan, Jaajan, and Istavriti. His supreme word “Satnam” consists of the universal throb of original thrilling. We called it Satnam. How, why and what is the occurrence of the evolution of creations thrilling consist on it.

This is the word, the original sound vibration of universal creativity. Regular orientation and implication of it in our heart with devotional utterance will create a feeling of nectarine urge amidst us. This scientific attentive observation in our heart evolving the positive motion of life flow. The divine trill of the auto initiative flow of word that is Panama produces the sound, meditating on which we experience the enfoldment of our existential go. Gradually the progressive performance of sound, meditating which we observe a curative remedy and automatically it works with us within our heart and brain. The main success of life depends open it. The main key is our devotional concentric go of service for the love lord. Due to the application of an affectionate, devotional active service to guru, it covered the mal-adjustment of our brains, inner mechanism with blissful saliency. Devotees when completely drenched with the thrill of vibration of Satnam or supreme word. The desired effect of tranquility of creation is perceived and enjoyed by the devotees. The rhythm of vibration of transmitted in our tissue with a magnetic thrust of emotional life current of divinity. The mantra (Satnam) is supremely impregnated with the divine blessing of Ista.

The life flow effulgently runs in our actions and characters. Shree Thakur in his voice declares that “Sound is the beginning beverage of universe”. devotee when accept and adopt it regularly with devotional ting and inject the sound thrill in his heart and brain, it mingled in ones inner part of the heart. it also upkeep, nurture with the divine throbbing of ecstasy. The source of cosmic flow of bliss overwhelms it.This experience is called shelf attainment on man’s body this fear of infinity zeal and vigor of the creative range leads us self attainment, erasing all fiscal grief and miseries of life. Even if a man can stand on the pitfalls of suffering and hazard. the guru by his blessing power and invisible touch safes him. This adaptability is called Krupa and it has been attending by meditation in our diurnal life. We called it Jajan this process of adoption of divinity in the human body is Jajan. Meditation by this meditational process is the path of self-realization, self-introspection, which we called as penance. This transcendental meditation makes man to a holy personality he can easily with dexterity overcome all the sufferings of life of past and to be fest in future.

Suffering and graves are surely removed from our mind and heart this is the secret avenue of yuga Purusottam opened for all common people and their disciples. By his grace, a common man can lead a flawless life being practicing the Satnam within him daily at least three times a day. The fragility of the mind is to be turned and become a siren. To whom sages say Stita- Pragya. These effects and application with devotional attachment with the active go of life are Jajan or meditation. The prolonged practice, accuracy, efforts with skillful observation with farm faith assure one to realize and experience this nectarine feeling. The feeling of sensational thrill of ecstasy of life must be felt in our heart in this trans dental meditation on Satnam Because it is the root sheet of all mantras in this age. it is called the highest consensus flow of ever involving trill of the universe. The mastery of this exalting functionary is known by Ista or yoga Purushottam. In Mohaniravana tantra, define him as Satguru or Kaula or Ista. Satguru the Kaula

The filling of the sensational thrill of ecstasy of life must be felt in our hearts in this trans-dental meditation on Satnam. Because it is the root sheet of all mantras in this age. it is called the highest consensus flow of ever involving trill of the universe. The mastery of this exalting functionary is known by Ista or yoga Purushottam. In Mohaniravana tantra, define him as satguru or Kaula or Ista. The filling of the sensational thrill of ecstasy of life must be felt in our hearts in this trans dental meditation on Satnam. Because it is the root sheet of all mantras in this age. it is called the highest consensus flow of ever involving trill of the universe. the mastery of this exulting functionary is known by Ista or yoga Purushottam. Sat-guru the Kaula.

In Mohaniravana tantra, define him as sat-guru or Kaula or Ista. The word Kaula derived from Kula the epitomic meaning is param-brahman Sanskrit it’s elaborate grammatically verse is””. Physical birth by birth is not a Kula, it is Kaula hence he is known as Ista or Kaula guru. Satguru the Kaula.

Thakur once clarified before the devotees and erase their ignorance. He told “Kaula” means “Brahma”. He who knows in ‘Kaulika’. To know the supreme cause of creation He who regulates, adopt and practice it for the welfare of humanity, and the clue of existential upholding of life is param Brahma and he is in real sense ‘Kaula guru”. God who effulgently sparkles in himself. He is the living ideal. In which term we may call him as ‘Ishta”, ‘Satguru’ or ‘kaulika’ the fulfiller of the best, Purushottam. He is the living religious flow of humanity. Only love with devotional ovation with active service to him can only be transmitted in the heart of surrendered devotees. Purusottam is the living divine, source, in human form. Universal divinity can jump on devotee’s inner core of existence with a faithful movement way ‘Kaulika’ or ‘Satguru’ or ‘Purusottam’ become the light of universal bliss and tranquility. Adore him, worship him, and follow him ardently. Satguru the Kaula.

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Jajan-to elevate oneself

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